Thursday, June 14, 2007


still waiting . . .

We saw our OB this morning . . . she hadn't gotten the report from the ultrasound, but when we told her about his size, she just said "Wow, he's going to be a big baby!" and "Eh, you're tall, it'll be fine."

So that's that.

I have gained more weight . . . I can't believe how much weight I've gained . . . I don't want to say here, but it is significantly more than I wanted to gain . . . we know it's a big baby, and we also know I'm retaining water since my feet and ankles are so swollen. But I don't think all the weight can be attributed to that. I'm sure I'll be able to lose the weight after Avery is born. I'm planning on trying to breastfeed, and that is supposed to help the weight come off . . . but it is a shock to see the numbers register so high on the scale . . .

Some hope: my cervix is not at all dilated yet but it is "softening" so things are happening slowly but surely . . . and when we listened to the heartbeat, the OB said that Avery's base-line heartbeat has slowed down a bit, it's in the 120s now, and that is a sign that he is "maturing" and getting ready to be born. I don't know if I have had any contractions, but I have been getting menstrual-cramp like pains on and off for a few days. This morning, the pains woke me up from sleep, they were so painful, but as soon as I got out of bed, they went away. so SOMETHING is happening. All this is fairly vague, but the OB DID say that we might see him be born a day or two before July 2nd, whereas before she has consistently said we should expect him to come after July 2nd. She also said that next time, if I'm at all dilated, she can "strip the membranes" to help me go into labor quickly.

Carolyn's aunt said I should drink tons of water, bounce on my birthing ball, and walk a lot to hurry things along.

Hurry up baby!

Hey Sis,

Sorry things are starting to get painful and difficult, I'm so glad you only have a couple more weeks of this!

I've read that breastfeeding requires 300-500 calories/day, so if you are eating a relatively normal amount of calories, the breastfeeding will definitely help you lose the baby weight at a healthy rate. Try not to worry about it too much though, your body is pretty darn amazing if it can produce a baby after all!

PS, we're all moved into our new apartment! It's really nice! I'll send pics after we're all set up. :)
Thanks Rachel -- I can't wait to see pics of the new place! -- Bup
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