Monday, June 11, 2007


more food stuff

At the very beginning of my pregnancy, I had intense cravings for oranges and pineapple (and normally, I don't really like to eat oranges -- it's too much work, but during my first trimester, I couldn't get enough of them). I also wanted very cold cans of regular Pepsi for a couple of months at the beginning of the pregnancy.

The second trimester, I wanted tons of carbs and ate way too many bagels with cream cheese (also healthier carbs like cereal and oatmeal), and I also craved plain chocolate ice cream (especially soft serve ice cream - NOT frozen yogurt - which is hard to find except in the summer. Now that the weather is warm there are Mr. Softee trucks everywhere, and I have definitely been indulging in chocolate ice cream cones). But for the most part, the cravings were not super strong, and I think I ate pretty normally and consciously tried to eat healthy foods.

But the strong cravings have returned with a vengence. I recently walked WAY out of my way to get a Slurpee from a 7-11 in Midtown and I was so mad because the consistency just wasn't quite what I wanted. Then earlier this week, all I could think about were Original Glazed donuts from Krispee Kreme. I had seen them before at a little Asian market 2 blocks from where we live, but to my horror, they don't sell them there any more. And I NEEDED one (or three). There is a Dunkin Donuts within walking distance of our building, but I knew in my heart that a glazed Dunkin' donut just wouldn't be right. And it was a really hot day, and I was feeling sore, tired, with swollen ankles and not in the mood to trek way over to the East side or down to Penn station to find a krispy kreme there. So I just figured the craving would go away. But it didn't. In desperation, I went to the supermarket, but there was nothing but gross Entemmen's which isn't the same thing AT ALL, so I resigned myself to no donut.

Then yesterday as we were driving along route 1 in Connecticut (which by the way seems to be dunkin' donuts land -- there was a DD every couple of blocks in every town and city we drove through!), Carolyn spotted a Krispy Kreme, immediately turned into the driveway, and I finally got my Original Glazed donut. I didn't even have to say anything. But it was the best thing I ever ate in my life EVER. So were the 2 we brought home that I ate for breakfast this morning. mmm donuts (drool).

you're funny. yes new england LOVES dunkin donuts. they are everywhere around here. like, you have to drive 25 minutes to get taco bell but never more than 3 minutes to get to the closest dunkin. so the joke is, you ask for directions and people say "right next to the dunkin donuts." har har har. i'm glad you got your krispy kreme. :)
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