Monday, June 04, 2007


36 weeks

In one more week, Avery can be born and he'll be considered full-term, not early. We're ready. The room is ready for him, we have his car seat, stroller, crib, changing table, diapers, feeding supplies (ie. bottles and a pump), and books, toys, and clean clothes all ready to go. We have a fantastic pediatrician for him. We pre-registered at the hospital. We took our birthing class, and we are taking our basic infant care class this coming weekend. Our hospital bag is packed.

It feels like he is still high up in my body -- I think his butt is under my ribs. To try and coax him to drop down, I've been bouncing on the birthing ball and Carolyn and I have been walking a lot. I know he won't drop down until he's ready though. We're going to get an ultrasound next week to see exactly what position he's in. Now that we're this far in the pregnancy, we go to the doctor every week.

I felt fantastic for about 34 weeks, and then all of a sudden, it got hard: my ankles and feet are extremely swollen. Even first thing in the morning, they're swollen. Carolyn rubs my feet and legs every night, and I'm trying to keep them up when I can, but they're like balloons. My lower abdomen hurts, and it feels especially sore when I sneeze, bend down, stand up, and try to turn over in bed, which by the way has become quite a feat. My lower back hurts when I walk for a long distance.

I have gained more weight than I wanted -- about 35 pounds so far; it'll probably be about 40 total. I am not too worried about losing the weight, I tend to lose weight quite quickly when I try, and a lot of the weight is baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, and hell, there's probably about 2 pounds of retained water in each of my ankles. Our crop share association starts this week, and we're really excited about getting lots of locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables each week. Carolyn's already been cooking and freezing meals to have on hand for after the baby's born. And we're trying to walk a lot every day (as much as my ankles and back can tolerate). We want to be in good shape to take care of our son!

Dear Avery,
We're ready! We can't wait to meet you, and see you, and love you! We think our doggy knows something is going on, and we think she will love you and be very protective of you. You have lots of wonderful toys, and clothes, and a beautiful room; everything in the room was given to us from family and friends who are all waiting to meet you too!

love, your mama (Rebecca) and your mom (Carolyn)

Aaahhh! And Aunt Christy and Uncle Mark are all ready too! We're anxiously awaiting to see pictures and hear about when Avery is born. In the meanwhile, keep taking good care of yourselves! :)
Christy and Mark
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