Monday, May 28, 2007


35 weeks . . . he's almost here!

Sunday, May 20, 2007


"I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no babies"

C and I completed our weekend-long intensive lamaze class. Overall, it was really great. Today was especially fun. We did massage and breathing exercises, and practiced different positions to be used during labor. I definitely feel like I know more about giving birth than I did before. I do feel like now I can have more control about the labor and moving the baby down. We watched videos showing different labors and births, and we did see one C-section, which convinced me more than ever that I DO NOT WANT ONE, unless it is medically necessary. The instructor was very good about saying "partners" instead of "Dads" most of the time, but at one point we did feel very judged when she asked us all about circumcision, and we said we were planning on having our son circumcised. She is of course very pro-Lamaze, anti-planned C-sections (unless, again, of course if it is necessary due to medical reasons), pro-active childbirth techniques. She didn't seem too judgemental about the epidural choices (only myself and one other woman said we were planning on having an epidural -- the other women all wanted to try for natural childbirths, and some of them were going to give birth in the birthing center instead of the regular delivery floor).

My feet and ankles have been swelling like crazy. I have really big legs and ankles anyway, but now they have no definition at all. Tree trunks. Part of the class today was devoted to massaging the feet and ankles and legs to promote circulation, and it felt awesome, and the instructor said it should help with my swelling too. Now we're nervous about preclampsia; actually, one of the couples in our class did not come back today because last night she started bleeding. It turned out that she had a ruptured placenta and had to have an emergency C-section due to preclampsia (!!!!). That couple had the latest due date of anyone in the class -- July 14th. The husband came by and told us that the baby had been born at just over 3 pounds so was getting special premie care, and that his wife hadn't even gotten to see their baby yet. He did seem very happy and positive about it all. But that kind of scared me a little bit.

We're going to have a reunion in September to meet the new babies. I hope the one who was born last night is okay!

I have to give my last final exam on Thursday, and then I'll finish up grading papers and tests for that class, turn in grades, and then I will be officially done with this semester. We have been making tons of to-do lists. Things to do before our families come next weekend for the baby shower. Things to do before Avery is born! Call and register with the pediatrician, pre-register at the hospital, continue working on the adoption, wash all of the baby clothes, set up the crib, clean everything, and take a babycare/CPR/ breastfeeding class.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


examens oraux

I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I passed my orals which brings me one step closer to being a "Dr" phd genius! Not only did I pass but frankly, I did pretty darn good. yay for me! I have a little fantasy of graduating with my phd and getting my diploma, puffy hat on head, and who do I see but my beautiful wife and proud son meeting me after I walk across the stage (or however it works). That's some good motivation.

Now I have my huge latin exam next week; hopefully I'll pass that as well, and then a huge burden will be lifted off my shoulders and I can relax and go into nesting mode to prepare for Avery's arrival.

Tomorrow is the first day in I don't know how long where I have NOTHING planned. No teaching, no appointments, no meetings . . . I want to sleep in late, watch "A Baby Story" on TLC, eat ice cream, and probably clean up and study latin at least a little. I can't wait.

Monday, May 07, 2007


32 weeks -- starting the 8th month . . .

I'm feeling pretty good, although there are some differences . . . I definitely feel weighed down more by my belly. It sort of feels like stretching and aching sometimes . . . when I carry heavy-ish things, I can definitely feel a difference. It's harder and feels like I'm pulling my belly, so I'm trying to be very careful and not carry too much (this is hard for me -- I like to be superwoman and I have always been very strong physically, so I don't like to admit that something is too heavy for me to carry). Avery was kicking like crazy earlier today. It's so weird, but so so cool. C has been working very hard on the nursery. I can't wait to be done with teaching and school (just a couple more weeks!) so I can allow my nesting instincts to take over and start cleaning and organizing like crazy!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007


hospital drama

Today we went in for our regular check up with the OB (we are going every 2 weeks now since I am farther along in the pregnancy), and the doctor asked if I had felt the baby move that morning. I said no, because I hadn't, but I was not worried (I mostly just notice him moving in the evenings, and then he moves tons!) but I did mention that I had felt very dizzy for a couple of hours earlier that morning. She sent us across the street to the hospital for extra monitoring.

So we ended up spending a couple of hours on the labor and delivery floor of St. Luke's. They monitored his heartbeat (normal) and had me press a button every time I felt him move (normal), but they also noticed that I appeared to be having mini contractions. Now, I didn't feel anything, but they said I was probably dehydrated and that dehydration can cause mini contractions, and it's a pretty common problem. The dizziness was probably low blood sugar because I hadn't eaten breakfast.

So I had to be hooked up to an IV for an hour. It was actually really relaxing. C and I sat together and talked and watched "A Baby Story" on TLC.

We did get an ultrasound too -- Avery has flipped over, so he is now head-down, as we had suspected (that's a good thing) and he was moving a lot and looks very healthy. . . he probably weighs close to 4 pounds now.

Anyway, I'm fine, the baby's fine, but I got lectured about drinking enough water, and C has been taking care of me the rest of the afternoon.

But it was a little scary -- like OMG, what if he had to be born today?!?!? Would we be ready?!?!?

By the way, the nurse who helped us today was fantastic, but the midwife who came in a couple of times was awful. She didn't seem to know what she was doing, told us the wrong information every time she came in, and then when she checked me to make sure I wasn't dilated yet, let's just say she seemed needlessly rough. I hope she is NOT working the day I have Avery.

Off to drink more water and watch "The Simpsons."

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