Wednesday, March 14, 2007


babies are expensive!

Lil' Avery is making us a wee bit stressed especially about the financial aspects . . . it was a big day. We met with our lawyer this morning to discuss 2nd parent adoption. It went very well, and once we're finished we'll be very well protected legally. We're doing the adoption, wills, estate planning, and everything that's important. But when she did the rundown of the cost, we got a little nervous. We HAVE to do it, it's really important, and we'll manage somehow. But even just the $300 consultation felt like a lot, and that's nuthin'.

Then we went to interview with a home day care in our neighborhood. I LOVED it. It's a wonderfully cozy place with fantastic adults working there, and the kids seemed so happy. And it's kind of a mix between Montessori education and playtime daycare. Field trips, minimal TV, fantastic kids . . . We have a great reference, so the woman said she'd save us a spot for Avery if we want for September . . . but it is more expensive than we thought. "Only" $250 a week for an infant up to 2 years old. We both know that that is really reasonable, cheap even, for infant care on the upper west side, but it is definitely more than we had anticipated.

Then I signed us up for a childbirth class (a weekend intensive) at the hospital. $275 per couple for the weekend. I also need to sign us up for a breastfeeding class. $50/couple.

It was just a lot to take in for one day. And a lot to think about. Deep breaths. Think about "abundance." We'll be okay. Everything here is more expensive and we just have to accept that.

We're leaving tomorrow for a wedding in Nashville. Our last trip away for probably a very long time. It has to be a relaxing, fun weekend.

Avery keeps kicking away. Kick away the stress Avery!

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