Monday, February 19, 2007


What's up doc?

We went in for our 20-week check up (although technically, we're at 21 weeks today). Since our old OB quit, we met our new one. She was SO nice that I immediately felt very comfortable with her, so that was a relief. All is well:

weight gain: 8 pounds (I thought it'd be more by now, but I am definitely not complaining -- the doc said it was a healthy gain so far)

blood pressure: was high at first, cuz I was nervous about meeting the new doctor, but we re-did it after meeting with the doctor and it was low, so it was definitely high because of nerves. It has been consistently low so I'm happy about that.

baby: healthy size, healthy heart beat, looked fine (the ultrasound machine didn't show very clear images, so we couldn't see him that well, but the doctor assured us all is well).

blood tests: Got the results back for the genetics testing. Our risk for Down's is extremely small (1/1000 -- for some of the other tests, it was as low as 1/5000). So that's very nice to know.

I'll go back in 3 weeks for the glucose test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes, and I'm going to make an appointment to get my cervix measured soon to make sure all is normal.

C and I are going to start looking into birthing classes at the hospital soon.

So that's that! We're also going to meet with our lawyer soon to start the 2nd parent adoption. Lots of work.

I went swimming tonight by myself (usually C and I go together) and it felt SO good to swim. And there was only one other person in the whole pool besides me. I love love love swimming. Avery loves it too, I think.

Even though we've been too busy to call or write lately, we've been thinking of you. Glad to hear everything is going well! Christy and Mark
Glad to hear your new doc is nice, and I am SO jealous of you going swimming! Hope you had a nice weekend :)
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