Friday, February 09, 2007


The quiz was right . . .

. . . it's a boy!!!!! We're so excited and happy. We'd really been thinking it's a boy the whole time, so it wasn't a surprise. But I started crying anyway when the sonographer told us. Then when I asked "are you sure it's a boy?" (because sometimes they're wrong and you hear stories about how when the baby is born, it's the opposite sex from what the parents had been told) and she said "Honey, if they hand you a baby girl in the hospital, you give it back and say 'that ain't my baby!'"

It's definitely a boy, so we can call him Avery now.

It's about now when you should start to feel movements and kicking, so I've been concentrating and trying to feel anything without success, until this morning.

C was listening to my belly, trying to hear a heartbeat or anything, but she only heard my stomach gurgling. Then I focused on my belly and I felt a weird bubble feeling! It only lasted a second but it was weird. It has to have been the kick, which I've heard other women describe as "bubbles" or "popcorn popping." Then I felt it again! I said "Good boy Avery, keep kicking your mama!" but I think all that kicking made him sleepy because I haven't felt anything since then. But it was really cool.

C thinks we'll have a second baby pretty soon because I'm a twin and it's too sad for a baby to be all alone. We're not sure if she or I will carry the second baby. Frankly, I can't really think about that yet.

Monday will be 20 weeks -- halfway there (40 weeks is full term).

I am excited and so happy for both of you! What joy lies ahead for all of you. Enjoy every kick and movement of Avery. It is the awe of it all that exists prior to his arrival.

Your Michigan babysitter
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