Wednesday, January 17, 2007
we had our 16 week ultrasound today. I was really anxious about it but it was no big deal. VERY quick ultrasound and the doctor said everything looks fine. The placenta was blocking the baby so we couldn't get a good view, disappointingly. We were hoping we'd find out the sex but she said no, we have to wait until the 20 week ultrasound in February when we go to the geneticist again with their fancy machine that can see better than her machine. So we still don't know if it's a boy or a girl.
They also took my blood pressure (normal) and weighed me. I gained 5 pounds since last month, not a huge surprise. So I've gained a total of 6 pounds which is normal for this point in my pregnancy. Next week C and I are joining a pool and starting swimming again, so hopefully some regular exercise will keep the weight gain at a healthy rate and not too rapid. They also drew blood for part 2 of the test that will tell us what risk we're at for Down's syndrome.
THEN our OB gave us news: she is quitting!!!! We won't see her again!!! She assigned us to a different OB at her practice, someone we've never met!!! I'm glad that if she's quitting at least it's not right before I'm supposed to be giving birth. This will give us time to meet and get used to a different doctor. But it was a big surprise.
Then I had to run to my Latin class at Columbia (I had to take advantage of the free tuition I get as part of C's benefits) which was fine. Then I had to run to church for a meeting that lasted for 2 and a half hours. I'm feeling pretty sick still -- just a bad cold, but I was pretty miserable in class and at the meeting.
I have a good schedule this semester:
Monday: teach French 2 at conservatory AM, then a long break until Latin class from 4-6
Tuesday: teach French Lit at Queens College then French 3 at St. John's (also in Queens -- no more Staten Island for me!)
Wednesday: same as Monday
Thursday: same as Tuesday
Friday: nuthin'
I watched Top Chef tonight. This season has not been good and I don't really care who wins. And tonight, Cliff got kicked off the show for assaulting Marcel. Dumb dumb dumb!!! It does make me wish I could cook though.
C made awesome chicken noodle and vegetable soup, I've been eating it all week. It's the best chicken noodle soup I've ever had in my life and it's perfect since I'm sick. I did good when I married her :)
They also took my blood pressure (normal) and weighed me. I gained 5 pounds since last month, not a huge surprise. So I've gained a total of 6 pounds which is normal for this point in my pregnancy. Next week C and I are joining a pool and starting swimming again, so hopefully some regular exercise will keep the weight gain at a healthy rate and not too rapid. They also drew blood for part 2 of the test that will tell us what risk we're at for Down's syndrome.
THEN our OB gave us news: she is quitting!!!! We won't see her again!!! She assigned us to a different OB at her practice, someone we've never met!!! I'm glad that if she's quitting at least it's not right before I'm supposed to be giving birth. This will give us time to meet and get used to a different doctor. But it was a big surprise.
Then I had to run to my Latin class at Columbia (I had to take advantage of the free tuition I get as part of C's benefits) which was fine. Then I had to run to church for a meeting that lasted for 2 and a half hours. I'm feeling pretty sick still -- just a bad cold, but I was pretty miserable in class and at the meeting.
I have a good schedule this semester:
Monday: teach French 2 at conservatory AM, then a long break until Latin class from 4-6
Tuesday: teach French Lit at Queens College then French 3 at St. John's (also in Queens -- no more Staten Island for me!)
Wednesday: same as Monday
Thursday: same as Tuesday
Friday: nuthin'
I watched Top Chef tonight. This season has not been good and I don't really care who wins. And tonight, Cliff got kicked off the show for assaulting Marcel. Dumb dumb dumb!!! It does make me wish I could cook though.
C made awesome chicken noodle and vegetable soup, I've been eating it all week. It's the best chicken noodle soup I've ever had in my life and it's perfect since I'm sick. I did good when I married her :)