Friday, December 15, 2006


psychic . . . when it comes to The Simpsons

Last night, C and I went to our lesbian baby meeting and then out to dinner with another couple afterwards. We didn't get home until 11:30. We were really beat and I was totally just going to take the dog out and go to sleep right away, but I had a feeling . . . that I should turn on the TV and check out what episode of the Simpsons was on . . . specifically, I felt that if I turned on the TV, there would be the motorcycle gang episode on.

This is, historically, the ONLY episode of the Simpsons that C claims to find funny (I know she loves all of them though). I think she likes the image of the "tough motorcycle gang" that includes Flanders riding a bicycle and I think Lenny riding a lawn mower. we'd only seen that particular episode I think twice before.

I flipped on the TV. Sure enough, motorcycle gang episode.

I am totally psychic. When it comes to the Simpsons. Perhaps this means I have a special gift? Or, perhaps, it means I watch way too much television.

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Melissa and my partner of 4 years (Lauren) is almost 9 weeks pregnant. We live in Southern NJ. Please stop by my blog sometimes and congrats!
god. i'm so embarassed, i don't know what episode you are talking about. i wish i did though.
it's SO good. I think it's from season 11. homer wins a motorcycle and decides to form a motorcycle gang called the Hell's Satans with lenny, carl, moe and flanders (who don't have motorcycles but ride lawn mowers and bicycles and things). Then the real Hells Satans come and take over the house and then they kidnap marge who teaches them manners. It's really a good episode! Keep your eyes out for it!
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