Tuesday, December 05, 2006


the kidney bean is now the size of a kumquat . . .

. . . according to Babycenter.com. The kumquat and the hormones have been affecting me lately. This past weekend I cried 3 days in a row (not the whole weekend -- just once each day) for no reason. Each time, C asked me what's wrong and I had to say "Nothing's wrong. I'm just crying because of the hormones!"

And then today I really do feel "pregnant." I was a little nauseous all day and even though I got hungry, no food appealed to me.

We announced our pregnancy during "Joys and Concerns" at church on Sunday. Tons of folks, even people we haven't talked to very much, came up to us to congratulate us and some parents offered us some of their old baby stuff, which is really nice. It was nice. We're going to the holiday party this Friday. I'm baking a chocolate chip cheesecake :)

The semester is nearly over! I only have to go to Staten Island 2 more times! Tomorrow to review for the final exam, and then next Monday to give the final exam. I only have to go to Queens 3 more times, and I think only 3 more times at the conservatory as well. I am really looking forward to resting and having no more commutes for a while.

We went to Long Island last weekend to check out where we would live if we end up moving there and drove around and shopped. It could be really nice to have a more suburban lifestyle, get a car, and be able to save up for a house . . . we're not sure yet.

Last night we finally saw the first disc of the L Word season 3. Bette and Tina have a baby and they have to do 2nd parent adoption. The social worker came to their house and it was awful! She was critical and said they hadn't babyproofed their home, and also since Bette is unemployed right now she was critical about that and a bunch of other things. If our friends hadn't just done their own home study for their second parent adoption (which they assured us went extremely well and was not horrible at all), this would probably freak us out.

Thankfully, TV dramas do not equal reality.

mmmm...now I'm hungry for a kumquat...and chocolate chip cheesecake...

(o.o)d Christy
i agree with christy. don't worry about stupid dramatic l word lesbians...just talk more about delicious cheesecake. :)

and congrats on the nice church you go to!
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