Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Shut up and Sing

We went to see the Dixie Chicks documentary last weekend ("Shut up and sing") and I keep thinking about it. I have always liked the Dixie Chicks but after seeing the movie (and after listening to their newest CD a billion times), I LOVE them and I'm bummed we missed them when they were in NYC in August. They'll be back soon hopefully! Anyway, the documentary covers the aftermath since the singer made a comment about being ashamed Bush is from Texas. All the country music stations banned them, she got death threats and everything, it was just crazy how it turned into a huge deal.

There was a side story about the two other Chicks (who are sisters) and their struggles to get pregnant. They both used IVF (and both had twins!) and there's a great song on their newest CD called "So Hard" about AI which is great.

I definitely had pregnancy nausea today. This afternoon after teaching I felt nauseous and exhausted. Then it went away quickly. Otherwise, I'm feeling good. I'm looking forward to my family being here for Thanksgiving. I don't think my parents and all three of my sisters and I have all been together since my youngest sister's bat mitzvah last spring (2005). So it's cool we'll all be together.

I'm going to bake a pumpkin cheesecake which I have made every year for the past 4 years but it's SO easy and good and everyone likes it so I'm going to stick with it.

The embryo is now the size of a raspberry, according to

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