Monday, November 06, 2006


meet me in . . .

C and I went to St. Louis last weekend. She had a conference and I went to relax and see my in-laws. We told her parents they're going to be grandparents, and they're pretty excited. We ended up telling her sister, brother, grandparents, a cousin (whose twin sister is having a baby in December!) and 2 aunts and an uncle as well, since we hardly ever see them and it's news that's nice to share in person. Everyone reacted really well; I was a little nervous about their reactions since I'm the biological mom and so there's not a genetic relation there, but they all got it. I made a big deal about how we're using C's last name for our kids, and I think that made everyone understand better.

I had my 4th and final pregnancy test last Wednesday (thank god - my right arm is all bruised from the blood tests). The numbers were around 1470 which is higher than the 1000 I had been hoping for. The ultrasound last Friday went fine. Yep, we saw the amniotic sac. There was also a weird blob hanging around in my uterus and the doctor didn't know what it was. Could be just a weird blood clot that will get re-absorped or could be an amniotic sac that didn't quite make it, or . . . we don't know. When I go back this week, we'll see what's happening.

I feel totally fine still. My boobs are sore and it was uncomfortable to give everyone hugs in st. louis. And I've been getting extremely tired at night. But really that's it, I feel totally fine.

The doctors were very wary about me going out of town -- they said I should be very careful and basically to anticipate a possible miscarriage, NOT due to travelling, but because it is so early and it's a fertility clinic so they have to be extremely cautious and expect the worst to happen. But so far, so good.

I think I will try and wait to tell my parents when they come for Thanksgiving, so we can tell them in person. But I'll warn them ahead of time that we have some "big news." That's what we had told my mother-in-law and she TOTALLY guessed our news.

We have sort of decided on a theme for our nursery -- "farm animals." :)

farm animals! you need a "speak and say" and remember that awesome book we had about sesame street being on a farm? so good. also i think telling in person is a good idea, but whatever you decide. can't wait to see both of you soon!
Waiting for one week to hear your count and confirmation of all, sure seemed like a month from this end! Farm animals! What fun!

Your Michigan babysitter, ready and waiting!!
C and I LOVE that sesame street book. remember grover feeding spaghetti to the pigs? we'll have to look for it on ebay.
Oh man, Grover feeding spaghetti to the pigs! I totally forgot about that book, it was so great! Farm animals is a great theme.
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