Sunday, October 01, 2006


She works hard for the money...

Rebecca is off to Sbux for yet another shift. She is working a lot, and between all four of her jobs and my job/jury duty/classes we are more than a little overextended. We've been juggling it all with good humor until now, but it is time for something to give. First it will be jury duty which THANKFULLY ends on Friday and then we will see how that change in schedule helps.

We had a lovely weekend, even through all the hours at Sbux. We went to Target yesterday, a huge treat for us now that we are unrbanites without easy access! We spent a lot of money but (hopefully) saved a lot of money in the long run. We were both at the end of our rope by the time we left the store...Target is more of a contact sport than a leisure activity in NYC.

We go to the RE again on Tuesday and will get a better sense of when the next IUIs will be. We've got a wedding to go to in Massachusets on Saturday, so our travel may be a little creative if the IUI is that day, but I am looking forward to it.

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