Tuesday, October 10, 2006


cycle # 2 now in progress . . .

Quick update: spent a marvelous weekend in Massachusetts. I was doing the ovulation predictor kits every time I peed because I was nervous that I'd ovulate and we'd miss our chance OR have to drive frantically back to New York. But that didn't happen and we got to spend a couple of really nice days driving around, picking apples, shopping . . . We stayed at our usual B&B owned by a lovely woman and her two huge, barking dogs. We attended our friends' wedding which was simple but really lovely. It was cool to go to a lesbian wedding in Massachusetts where it's legal. We braved a trip to the Yankee Candle flagship store with hundreds of tourists and "leafies." Then, on the night of our return, the ovulation predictor kit showed a potential hormone surge -- the one I did yesterday (Monday) morning confirmed it.

So we have now completed our two back-to-back IUIs. STAN was doing especially well this morning, there was a count of 8.2 million (5 million is good so 8.2 is awesome) so we just have to hope we got the timing right. We got the trigger shot but didn't use it since I seemed to have a natural hormone surge. It's really all about timing.

Our friends from Mich, otherwise known as the few people who actually read our blog, are coming tonight for a visit and I'm so excited! C and I are trying to clean, cook and put together some new IKEA furniture we bought yesterday. Oh, I better go help her.

Glad you guys had a nice relaxing weekend, and how convenient that your body waited to ovulate until you got back into town!

Best of luck this round, and enjoy the new furniture! (I'm so jealous, I wish there was an Ikea closer than Seattle...)
hey, you have two readers in NH too :)
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