Tuesday, October 03, 2006


cycle 2 in progress. . .

back to the RE's office this morning for monitoring. On this day during our 1st cycle, I had 2 big follicles already, but today, there was only one tiny one. The doctor said no big deal, every cycle is different, the follicles are just growing more slowly this time and C reminded me that after a chemical pregnancy and all these medications, my body is probably saying "Everybody calm down!" and is taking its time to ovulate this month.

The good news is, we probably won't be doing the IUIs before next Sunday. Which means we'll be able to at least spend Friday and Saturday in Massachusetts. So we're very pleased about that. I was very taken aback by the slow progress of my follicles which makes me wonder if the Clomid worked. I guess it doesn't matter as long as the timing is right.

I'm gonna call the sperm bank to get two more vials of STAN shipped at the end of this week so it'll be at the RE's office once we need it. Then I'm gonna call the B&B we like in Northampton to see if we can get a room for Friday and Saturday nights.

I don't have to go teach in Queens today (yesterday was Yom Kippur so no school there, but today follow's Monday's schedule). Anyway, it's so nice not to have to spend the afternoon there, even though I have to work again at Sbux tonight, I have the afternoon free! It's overwhelming because there are so many things I want and need to try and get done before going to my shift at Sbux. Better go do some of them!

I'm listening to Heart. We almost went to see them perform in Atlantic City last spring. I love Heart. I heart Heart.

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