Wednesday, October 18, 2006



quick post before I run to staten island (well, not run, I'll take the train, then the ferry, then a bus, then a quick walk . . . sigh) to teach my afternoon class. Today is cheesy French music day. Edith Piaf this morning, then a song from a French-Canadian musical based on a novel by Victor Hugo this afternoon. Which reminds me, I want to make my sister a CD of French songs since she is studying the language.

I feel better today, although I'm very tired. Got home late from sbux then stayed up to work on a lesson plan. I just have been so busy that I haven't had time to relax, get enough sleep, eat, e-mail my professors back, hang out with C . . . I feel better about quitting sbux since i just got a 100% raise at Queens. I guess all the adjuncts have gotten huge pay raises, but I am out of the loop and didn't hear about it until I got an enormous check this month which included retroactive pay. Anyway, the raise is equal to about what I'd make working at Starbucks (many hours a week) so it all evens out . . .

Have vague cramps and very vague nauseous feeling. Pregnancy? Or hunger cuz I haven't eaten? Or pre-period feelings?

up down up down up down the two week roller coaster . . . we'll know for sure by a week from today . . . just gotta get through this week and the weekend . . .

Congrats on the raises! I love raises, and wish I got them more often. :)
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