Saturday, October 14, 2006


au revoir les amis . . .

my Michigan pals just left. It was great having them here, they are lovely and I miss them. It was also nice because they totally distracted us from thinking about whether or not I might be pregnant! I have barely thought about it at all. We had fun -- saw a taping of the Daily Show, saw Avenue Q (got CHEAP tickets cuz we sat in the mezzanine and they were 50% off) and even though C and I had seen it many times before, we still enjoyed it, even without my uncle in it any more. Ate at Junior's and the Chat n' Chew and they rode the staten island ferry with me on my way to work. It really was a nice visit.

Am I pregnant? It's SO early it hasn't even been a week since our IUIs. But I feel completely normal, no "symptoms" yet. So we'll see.

I have to work the late shift at sbux tonight (9:15 to close) so I'm going to be a lazy girl and lay on the sofa watching movies until then. ahhhhhhh.

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