Saturday, September 16, 2006


working weekend

yeah, I got up at 4:30 am to go open at Sbux at 5:15. . . I just now got home at 1:30 pm so that was a long day for a "day off." It was crazy busy the whole time.

Yesterday when I got back from staten island, I decided to walk up from the ferry and meet C at court where she's been having jury duty. I thought I'd have at least an hour or 2 to kill but lo and behold they got out early!!! So we met and did some shopping, then had lunch at our favorite restaurant in Chinatown. It was pouring rain so it was not as pleasant as it could have been, but it was still nice. we also went to "Game night" at our church for a while, which was nice also.

there is a street fair in our neighborhood today so after I change, we're going to take Ruby out for a walk around the fair (she loves to go and find food that people have dropped).

Still haven't done a pregnancy test. I kind of don't want to. I kind of think the answer will be "no" for this month . . .

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