Friday, September 01, 2006
J'ai mal aux pieds, ca fait chier . . .
long day. and i have to close tonight at sbux.
C and I got up super early to get to the RE's office by 7:30 for monitoring. We met with the same RE I saw last time, who reminds me a little of my grandfather, mostly because he has a little bit of a German accent. And he's very nice. He checked out the ovaries again, my left one was hiding again but he found it eventually. He found two big follicles (one on each side), one was 14 mm and one was 14.5 mm. Two is good, I think. Ideally, they are supposed to be 20 mm when we inseminate. I think. I could be totally wrong. It's a little fuzzy at this point to me what we're looking for and what my body is doing.
So now it's time for the ovulation predictor kit, which we got "Clear Blue Easy" from Duane Reede. It's the most popular brand and it claims to be 99% accurate. Starting tonight, I have to use the kit (kinda like a pregnancy test) to look for a hormone surge. When the surge occurs, we go in to the RE's office the next morning to inseminate, and then also the following day. If a surge hasn't appeared by Monday night, on Tuesday we'll go in for another check up, and then maybe do a "trigger shot" which does what it sounds like -- triggers ovulation. we're excited, but I'm tired today.
I taught at Staten Island and it was fine except it seems so ridiculous to have a good 2 hour commute on a train, ferry, bus, and walk to go teach 4 students for 55 minutes. I wish it was just a twice a week class. But the students are lovely and it'll be fine.
I don't work this weekend (Monday I have a long shift at sbux though, but I think I get time and a half since it's Labor Day, so that's cool) and I am looking forward to sleeping in, shopping, cooking and cleaning and just catching up on stuff . . . bon week-end a tout le monde!
C and I got up super early to get to the RE's office by 7:30 for monitoring. We met with the same RE I saw last time, who reminds me a little of my grandfather, mostly because he has a little bit of a German accent. And he's very nice. He checked out the ovaries again, my left one was hiding again but he found it eventually. He found two big follicles (one on each side), one was 14 mm and one was 14.5 mm. Two is good, I think. Ideally, they are supposed to be 20 mm when we inseminate. I think. I could be totally wrong. It's a little fuzzy at this point to me what we're looking for and what my body is doing.
So now it's time for the ovulation predictor kit, which we got "Clear Blue Easy" from Duane Reede. It's the most popular brand and it claims to be 99% accurate. Starting tonight, I have to use the kit (kinda like a pregnancy test) to look for a hormone surge. When the surge occurs, we go in to the RE's office the next morning to inseminate, and then also the following day. If a surge hasn't appeared by Monday night, on Tuesday we'll go in for another check up, and then maybe do a "trigger shot" which does what it sounds like -- triggers ovulation. we're excited, but I'm tired today.
I taught at Staten Island and it was fine except it seems so ridiculous to have a good 2 hour commute on a train, ferry, bus, and walk to go teach 4 students for 55 minutes. I wish it was just a twice a week class. But the students are lovely and it'll be fine.
I don't work this weekend (Monday I have a long shift at sbux though, but I think I get time and a half since it's Labor Day, so that's cool) and I am looking forward to sleeping in, shopping, cooking and cleaning and just catching up on stuff . . . bon week-end a tout le monde!