Wednesday, September 06, 2006


IUI #1

first IUI was this morning. C and I were so excited! It is crazy that all these months of planning, reading, discussing, doctors appointments, money, etc. have come down to a five minute procedure (well, in our case 2 five minute procedures, since we're doing back-to-back IUIs).

The doctor (one I hadn't met yet, she looked so young that I couldn't believe she is a doctor!) said that STAN looked good; there was a sperm count of 7 million (she said that they usually look for 5 million, so 7 is excellent!) and that the mobility was at 40% -- she said that they usually like to see 50% but 40 is fine. She said that with STAN + my "beautiful follicles" + the trigger shot + clomid, we have a good chance of conceiving!

Tomorrow morning we'll go in again for the second IUI. Then no more doctor visits for 2 weeks! I'll go in then for a blood test to see if I'm pregnant (unless, of course, I get my period by then in which case I'm clearly not pregnant and we'll start a new cycle). We can't do home pregnancy tests because the trigger shot can cause the tests to be inaccurate and show false positives. So we'll have to wait. This is going to be really hard.

I keep reminding myself that this is the very earliest we wanted to get pregnant, so if it doesn't work, it's okay, we can try again.

C keeps asking me if I feel anything or if I feel different or anything. Nope, I feel normal. Except I feel guilty because I called in sick to Starbucks tonight. I just needed an evening to stay home with C and catch up on my teaching stuff and get a good night's sleep before tomorrow's IUI.

Happy Insemination Day!
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