Saturday, September 02, 2006


Bossy talks to the Boss

STAN has arrived. Rebecca's follicles are growing nicely. The eggs are too small to see, so when they do a sonogram we judge the size and development of the follicle, where the egg matures before ovulation. We go in again on Tuesday for further follicle monitering, and from there we will know which days we will have IUIs.

Rebecca had that horrible HSG test on Thursday. I have been having sympathy cramping for her ever since. Weird. I think today the cramps are gone, thank goodness.

I told my boss about our plans. I wasn't planning on it, but after all my lateness (and anticipated lateness next week) for medical appointments, she asked about Rebecca and looked worried about her health. I gave a BS answer "her health is fine but I am a little distracted." When I saw her (my boss's) eyes, I knew she was actually worried for I told her our plans and that those plans entail some tardiness I cannot exactly plan for or anticipate. Biology does not change her plans around my meeting schedule. She was EXTREMELY supportive and helpful. Thank goodness. I explained my concern about telling too many people who will expect reports on our progress...reports that my be painful to make or private information. She was totally on board and promised not to ask questions or expect reports unless I wanted to give them.

This is a new boss, and I am really looking forward to working with her.

Awww, hey your boss sounds really nice. I'm so glad!
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