Thursday, September 07, 2006


And then there were 2

IUIs, that is.

Went in this morning, all was well. The wait was much shorter today. We were told that STAN was a little less stellar this morning. Apparently they are looking for something that is around 5million, and today's STAN was 4.8million. Close enough, but not the best. Yesterday's STAN was at 7million. Hopefully all will work out regardless. I believe in the law of averages.

Now I'm back to work and exhausted. Lot's of new experiences for me this week...inseminiations, a new grad school program, a knife fight in one of my halls, etc. Next week I have jury duty, so we'll see how that goes....gotta be better than a knife fight, though.

I do admit that even with all of our preparations and research about this process, I do feel a sort of disconnect from the IUI procedure and the fact that we just took the first step towards pregnancy. The procedure itself is a little anticlimactic (excuse the pun).

Now we wait. I think this may be the hardest part of this process. I imagine we will over analyze every possible symptom. Hungry? Must be pregnant! Cramp? Perhaps PMS :( Stomachache? Must be morning sickness. Headache? No baby. Comments on blog? Pregnant! No comments? not pregnant:( Tired? Pregnant! etc. etc. etc.

Keep your fingers crossed.

For real? A knife fight? That is STUPID.
Hi Becky, I am Mark's mom. I don't know if you remember meeting me during your college years. Christy set up your blog for me on my computer a few weeks ago so I could follow your blog. I am excited for both you. There are people who over analyze and worry about symptoms they are experiencing throughout their lifetime and lose track of reality they dwell on these symtoms. There is nothing more exciting than dealing with symptoms when it comes to pregnancy. This is reality at it's best!

Pregnancy is precious and is for such a short period of time, that to over anaylize and dwell on the little things that one wonders about is, I believe a wonderful preface to the process of beginning a family. With my two pregnancy's, I never had the opportunity to wonder about the pre-pregancy aspect such as you two are able to.

I look forward to reading that your waiting period is over. I will look forward to your coming to visit M & C with your baby. When you come you will need a babysitter for the four of you can go out and I will volunteer!

Anyway, my best wishes to both of you. Enjoy every minute of this time! I hope you won't mind this long-winded response to your blog. Karen
Hi Mark's mom! Of course I remember you. Thanks for your message. We can't wait to come up to Michigan to visit and we would love to have you babysit! Thanks!
Hi Becky, Thanks, I accept the babysitting position! Our house is baby friendly and it will be ready whenever you both are! Keep the blogs coming, they are great. I will volunteer to print them up in a book format for you to give to our baby. I guess the possessive word used there is a perk for babysitters! Take care...Mark's mom.
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