Saturday, August 19, 2006


these are a few of my favorite things (right now)

Our dog. Seriously, every day someone stops us to say something like "OMG!!!! Your dog is so adorable!!!! Look at him!!!!! What kind of dog is it?!?!?!" "oh, she's just a mutt from the pound."
"Look at him!!!! SO cute!!!!" "Thanks" (as if we have anything to do with what she looks like).

"King of Queens." This show has been on for years but we just started watching it a couple of weeks ago. It's really funny!!! And the couple on the show, Doug and Carrie, are TOTALLY like C and me. So now we're watching from season 1 to get caught up. It really makes us want to go buy a house in queens.

"Netflix." Without which, we wouldn't be able to watch "King of Queens" from the first season.

"Fat Witch." The other day, C took a Thursday off so that we could take the required "Insemination Class" at our RE's office. We learned all about IUI and IVF and even practiced doing injections in case we end up needing those medications (God, I hope not, I HATE shots and just practicing the shots on a rubber pillow made me queasy, plus I poked my finger with a needle and it hurt). Afterwards, we took a long walk downtown and ended up at Chelsea Market, where I've only been once before since we are not down there so often. Chelsea Market is full of mostly gourmet food shops, including FAT WITCH ( They have amazing brownies and these great drinks called Witchinos. One time, when I was in the worst mood ever, C bought me one and it made me REALLY happy. I think I called it an amazing orgasmic drink, which is a bit of an exaggeration, but mmmm, it's really good.

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