Friday, August 18, 2006


one last post for today . . .

Jeez, I feel like I could keep writing about random stuff all afternoon. Instead of, say, the things I'm supposed to be doing (laundry, cleaning our bedroom which is a mess right now, finishing "L'Avalee des avales" which is excellent but kind of long).

Something else that comes up a lot related to making a baby (but people don't like to talk about it) is the truth of the cost involved. I got our invoice from the sperm bank yesterday . . . so far, we have spent almost $200 buying information from the bank on the different donors, over $2000 for the six vials of sperm and another couple hundred for storing it all for a year. Then every time we get it shipped, it's another couple hundred dollars. Then, once the baby is actually born, we have to do the second parent adoption so C can be the legal second parent. This is VERY important and only a few states (like New York) have this. But it will cost over $3000. AND there is a small risk of your health insurance not covering the fertility treatments if they find out that you are gay. C and I have definitely been nervous about this, but it seems like pretty much everybody is able to have it all be covered. We have great insurance with great infertility benefits, and I am pretty sure that we will have all the costs be covered (at least for a few cycles should it take that long), but there is a risk, I guess . . .

Hi Becky! Mark and I (and the kitties) are excited for you and C! Best of luck to you both in the coming months, and good luck to you with your new writing venture!
2000$ for 6 vials of sperm!
I'm in the wrong buisness.

Stupid money. ><
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