Friday, August 18, 2006


Lesbian BabyMaking 101

I am new to blogging, but as my partner and I are starting this whole baby-making thing, I find myself reading more and more blogs of women who have been going through the same thing, and I thought it would be a good way to share my own experiences with others as well as to find a way to express myself. So probably most of my posts will be about trying to have a baby, but I'm sure I'll have other things to write about as well.

My partner "C" and I have been together almost 5 years. We are both 27. We live in Manhattan (UWS). C is an administrator at a university here. I am a grad student with a few part time jobs: I teach at a conservatory, a college, and I will be starting a prestigious position as a barista at Starbucks next week. We started seriously discussing starting a family this year and in January, we started going to meetings at the Gay and Lesbian Center downtown for women wanting to have children biologically. This has been immensely helpful, as we've learned the complexities of couples who want to have a child "hatched by two chicks" (as I saw on a cute bib). Since then, we have been going to the meetings, reading everything we can, and we've gotten an RE (Reproductive Endricronologist). I am going to be the biological mom (C might take a turn later on when we want a sibling). I have had blood tests and everything appears normal, that is, I seem to be fertile.

I still have one more test, the "HSG" test which makes sure one's fallopian tubes are open. A nurse assured as that we should be able to do the test (done on day five of your cycle) and still be able to try insemination that same cycle, as we wanted. Ideally, we'd love to have our child be born next summer, so I can keep teaching and working throughout the Spring semester but then have the summer off. We both know that we probably won't be able to time it as we'd like to but we're hopeful (we do know a couple who got pregnant their first time inseminating -- most couples, however, take a few more cycles for it to work).

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