Friday, August 25, 2006


day 2 (of cycle!!!) finally!

omg, I'm so excited! busybusybusy! I couldn't sleep last night because I was so excited to start our first cycle!

I got to the RE's office at 7:30 this morning to do my day 2 blood work for my first IUI cycle. Got blood drawn, a very nice RE that I hadn't met yet checked out my uterus and ovaries. My left ovary was apparently hiding a little bit, but he said that probably doesn't mean anything. He was totally cool about giving me a prescription for Clomid, which I take for five days starting today. He also said that the HSG during the same cycle is totally fine.

He recommended we get 2 vials of STAN delivered next week (that would be our donor, Super Tall And Nice (he is 6'5") or Smart, Tall And Nice). I do the HSG next Thursday and next Friday, a week from today, I'll go in so they can start figuring out what the best days of insemination are.

He also said since our donor isn't Jewish, we shouldn't worry about the Bloom's thing, of course, as with any pregnancy, there is a 3-4% chance of birth defects.

He was sooooo nice and C and I are super excited! We KNOW that the first cycle probably won't work, simply because it takes most women more tries. But it would be so so great if it worked the first or second time. And I feel really good about the whole Clomid thing, it's available to increase our chances of conceiving, so hey, sounds good to me!

Also, I got a new teaching job on staten island. I'm gonna do it and just try and cut back the sbux hours. it's just French 101 and there are only 5 students in the class which is CRAZY but it should be easy. Long commute though, although I love the idea of taking the ferry to and from work. The novelty will probably wear off soon though.

NOW I have to go to a 5 hour class at the Sbux headquarters to learn about coffee and stuff. Should be fun. It has been a crazy busy week for both C and I (esp. for her) and I just can't wait to get home tonight and relax and talk with her about everything!!! . . .

OMG, so exciting! I hope you have twins! By the way, now it's starting to sound like you're over-achiever: 2 teaching jobs, working on a dissertation, Starbucks, AND having a baby. You're SB! (Super Becky, just to go along with your usage of abbreviations.) :)
no no no, THREE teaching jobs (!) plus sbux plus dissertation plus (hopefully!!!!!) baby. yeah, it might be too much.
Wow! Heh, Stan, that's pretty funny. I'm so impressed that you're taking on so much! You'll totally be able to do it all though. I'll keep my fingers crossed!
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